Simplify the purchase document and approval process for your business
2CLICK ACCOUNTING offers an integrated document scanning (OCR) and electronic invoice reception service. This automation can improve the visibility, productivity, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness of your business’ purchase document handling, accounting treatment and approval process. Our solution is a must have for businesses needing a simpler accounting and approval process that brings structure and easyness to the purchase invoice accounting process.

Simplify your sales invoice processing
2CLICK accounting offers a sales feature that allow your company to create & send sales invoices in an effective manner to your customers. The Sales module allows you to pre-configure customers, accounting treatment, in addition to creating standard sales items. The system can both generate PDF’s over mail or you can issue electronic invoices using European standards.
This allows your company to issue invoices through an effective and accurate automated process.
By using our 2CA tool you will save time by an efficient 2click process and increase the speed in generating your sales invoices.

Simplify your payment & reconciliation process
2CLICK accounting comes with a banking module to handle:
- Payment generation including pre-approval and secure bank connectivity
- Bank reconciliation
The system picks up approved invoices ready for payment. By using 2click processes you can execute single payments or payment batches. The system also have an imbedded bank reconciliation engine that handles the reconciliation of open items derived from bank account statements. All pre-configured and automated.
By using our 2CA tool your will save time using a secure and lean process executing payments and handling you bank reconciliation.

Simplify your expense management processes
2CLICK accounting comes with a fully automated & easy-to-use smartphone application gives your business the advantage of being able to create, approve & post expenses anywhere at any time. Your business can easily keep track of outgoing expenses, which will save both time and effort in the process for both employees, accountants and business owners. Used in combination with the 2CLICK ACCOUNTING bank integration, users have an easy solution for registering their purchase receipts and getting fast refunds for their expenses..
By using our 2CA tool our will save time and get expense management made made effective for you for and your employees.

Experience from different industries
A selection of our customers

At 2Click Accounting we take security seriously. We keep your data safe and secure.
- We use SSL for secure user sessions
- Secure Microsoft AD for system logon
- Personal PIN codes and OTP for payments
- Secure and encrypted communication with banks
- Secure bank mandate setup
- Fraud warning on changes in supplier payment details
- Fraud warning on user changes of payment details
- Firewalls and VPN enabled
- Secure hosting on Microsoft AZURE
- Secure storage of bank encryption certificates
- Extensive backup policies
- System monitoring and warning logs
- Disaster recovery policies in place
- Strong internal access policies
- Extensive logging of user actions

Scalability and secure hosting of business critical systems is of great importance.
To secure that systems are up and running much time as possible Microsoft Azure is the right choice for the task.
It is not possible to reach 100% uptime, as we need to do maintenance from time to time, but besides the mandatory maintenance, we aim to have services available to Our customers as much as possible.
By using Microsoft data centers for Our infrastructure setup, we secure top in class options for the services to be available as much as possible.
Structured deploy of updates, maintaining secure backup policies and having rapid disaster recovery processes in place are more streamlined with the use of Microsoft Azure hosting.

Mobile friendly
The use of mobile devices is a flexible and convenient solution for most business users.
2Click Accounting is made with mobile use in mind as we know it provides flexible options for business users to review purchases, approve purchases and look up historical data on the fly.
With the 2Click Accounting expense app, users get a flexible and fast way of submitting and posting their expense receipts, and business approvers can approve expense reports with ease, when they have time.
All aspects of the 2Click Accounting solutions are evaluated continuously to improve user experience and whenever a solution makes sence to perform on the fly, we always have a high focus on mobile friendlyness.
Sign up for 2Click Accounting and experience the mobile solutions.